Tuesday, April 27, 2010

babies and such.

So today was my first pre-natal appointment. It's been a week and two days since I found out I was expecting, but we kept it to ourselves until we were able to see a doctor and confirm everything. When I found out here at home, I figured I was only four weeks along, but the Dr's office said I was five weeks so we scheduled an appointment for today. It was stressful and exciting waiting for that first appointment. I was really anxious to see a heartbeat and know everything was ok. However, the dr's office was wrong and I was right, and today I'm only five weeks and one day along. So not much could be seen on the ultrasound except for the gestational sac and just to see where it was implanted etc. So next week, May 7, we go back for another ultrasound to actually see an itty bitty baby and hopefully see a heartbeat. We can't hear one until about 10 weeks.

It's such an exciting thing to happen, to know my body is growing another little being. This wasn't planned, in fact it was a huge shock. This wasn't in our plans, we thought we had a couple more years for Nathan to finish school and get settled and all, but I guess God has different plans.

It's crazy all the thoughts that go through your head as soon as you find out you're having a baby. All the prayers that constantly surged through my thoughts, saying "Just please keep the baby safe".

I know this will be a long hard rest of the year. Nathan goes back to school in June and I will continue working as long as I can. My hope is to have a healthy enough pregnancy so that I can work right up to the day I deliver. That might be a pipe dream, but we'll see! At least my job is just down the hallway from the L&D section of the hospital. I can just walk over. Lol.


Matthew said...

My offer still stands:

$100 to name him Matthew.

It could be a tax write-off.

Nadja said...

Wow! What a shock! But exciting at the same time. Wishing the best pregnancy experience for you two!