Sunday, November 25, 2007

she was only 4 weeks old.

How do you tell someone you're sorry that their baby died? I've never even had a child -- I don't come close to understanding that parental love, and I'd venture to guess that most of you out there don't either. Those who do have children have a better idea of the pain of losing a child, but only those who have lost that baby can empathize. I don't even know what to say when I talk to Brent and Patricia -- my stomach just ties itself in knots, and my eyes fill with tears. My heart breaks to hear the cries at night for the baby that is no longer here.

How much more precious the hope of the resurrection is when a tragedy like this happens -- we are all looking forward to that day now, when Jesus hands Eleyna back to Patricia's arms, and all the pain is healed.

This is the saddest day I've had in a long time -- quite possibly ever. I'm dreading going to this funeral service, because I know how painful it will be on everybody. I don't know what is worse -- burying someone who lived a full life, or burying someone who didn't live at all. You can't help but wonder what they would've become or how they would've turned out.

Please keep this family in your prayers -- the hardest part is still to come. No one will forget the baby, and I doubt it will ever get much easier. That hole will always be there, it just dulls slightly with time.