Friday, July 10, 2009

Is 21 too young to get married?

So the other day I was getting on the computer at work and someone had pulled up. The the home page was a news article titled "Is 21 too young to get married?" with a picture of newly engaged pop-star Kevin Jonas. Now I'm not wild about the Jonas brothers...they sound kind of whiny and nasally when they sing, and they are typical Disney stars...bubble-gummy ... you know? One thing that I do admire about them though is that all three boys seem to stay close with their families even after they hit stardom, and they all wear purity rings. They have been open about their decision to save sex for marriage, and they've endured a lot of ridicule by the majority of Hollywood for that decision. The host of the MTV music awards poked fun at them all night during last years show, making comments about how it wasn't manly to save sex for marriage, and just making them the laughing stock of the night.

Moving on. The oldest boy, Kevin, just got engaged to a girl he's apparently been dating for a few years now. She's someone who is not in the industry, and looks nice from her pictures. I have no idea if they are good for each other, but obviously she believes in saving sex for marriage as well. Anyway. I'm proud of them for being open about that.

So now they are under extreme ridicule for getting married so "young". Granted, 21 is a young age, but it's old enough to drink, right? So it's okay to sleep around, drink, party and go take drugs when your 21, or even younger ... just a whipper-snapper teen sensation. But it's not okay to be responsible and live morally right and get married to someone? What is it that has made this country so severely opposed to marriage? The idea of getting the milk for free, so why buy the cow is so ridiculous. I found a forum that was writing about this story, and so many women on there were really against these two people getting married at this age. They claim that the only reason he's getting married is because he wants to have sex. Is it not possible that someone could be mature enough at age 21 to know what they want and get married? Nathan and I got married at 21 and 20, respectively, and it has been the best decision of our lives.

O . and the host of that MTV awards show turned out to be a sex addict who had to go to rehab. So that is better than being pure? What is wrong with this picture! And if 21 is supposedly too young to get married, what is the right age? Every single person is different, and reaches different stages in their life. There's not rule that can be applied across the board. I'm just sad that people are more accepting of someone who is riddled with STD's and has serious commitment issues than someone who is true to themselves and tries to live right.

I'm tired of people being so two-faced about morality and marriage. People fighting about gay marriage demeans the true meaning of marriage between a man and a woman. It's disappointing to see people so against the best gift God has given us.

Have you heard about this horrible movie coming out called Bruno? It's a movie about a gay Austrian who comes to America with his TV show. It's chock full of disgusting content, including scenes of two men having sex in a room while they are tied up in bondage with gerbils running around. Another scene includes the two men having sex in a hot tub while an adopted baby is in the same tub with them. Mind you, I only know that because I've read reviews about it. I'm telling everyone to boycott this movie. Some people think the actor is pure comedic genius, but anyone who tells GMA in an interview that his movie is the best movie about a "hot, white gay man since the Passion of the Christ" is not funny. He is not genius. He is sacrilegious.

And he should not be supported in any way.


Mom said...

Hey girl, good thinking! That is a good piece of writing! Hope that you are having a good summer. Love you.

Maria V. said...

Young celebrities tend to get into very serious relationships. I think that's partially because they're ilving their lives as regular adults, so even though they are young in age their maturity level is very high. Plus, it serves as a way to escape from the controlling supervision of their parents, managers, labels, etc. They often get married quickly and divorce quickly. Case in point: Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Macaulay Caulkin, etc. It probably won't last forever, but he seems happy in the mean time! Lol

Maria V. said...

Oh, and I totally agree with your comment on our culture's reaction to marriage. Nowadays, debauchery has become the standard!! Sad sad sad.