Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i'm a little dizzy from all the propoganda::

My head is spinning today from watching all of the inaguration coverage on TV last night. There were so many different channels to choose from -- ABC, Fox News, CNN...heck, even MTV got in on the Youth Inaguration Ball (one out of the nine thrown last night). I went to bed feeling quite a bit uneasy about this new chapter of our lives. Now before you jump down my throat about how unpatriotic and disrespectful I am about our leader, understand this. I am patriotic, because I want whats best for my country. I won't say that Bush was the best, and I refuse to say that Obama is the best. I don't think McCain was a good option either. I'm just really worried about what is to come with our new leader.

Here's one thing that really blew me away, and raised red flags in my head. Americans have never been SO in love with a political leader. I've never seen news footage of practical worship of a leader as with this man. He really is the Messiah to his followers, and that is a huge problem. We cannot put so much trust and hope in one mortal human being. Sure, he hugs and kisses his wife and kids, and puts on such a good face, and his speeches blow you away. But is that all we look for now days in a leader? What about someone who truly has the experience we need to save our country. What about someone who has actually served our country in the military, who is willing to give his life for the land of the free. To hear the crowds break into chants of "OBAMA!!! OBAMA!!!" reminded me of rallies given to past leaders in history -- Castro, Mao tse tung, Hitler. WAIT! I'm not saying that Obama is a maniac who is intent on genocide. I'm just saying that worship and adoration of a leader like that can lead our country down the wrong road. When he presents a "solution" to a problem, the entire nation will blindly follow along, because he so easily speaks up front and it's so easy to get swept away. Shoot, after listening to all his speeches yesterday, I even found it easy for myself to follow along.

I'm bothered by all this socialistic terminology that is being thrown around. Everything is for "the people". "The people" want this..."the people" need that. If we don't watch out, soon we'll be calling each other comrade while standing in line for our daily bread ration.

I know this is the mainstream media we're talking about, but everyone is going on about how bad our lives were, and how much change and hope we have to look forward to. They make it sound like our lives were in complete shambles. Can we open our lives and look around at what has happened to our country?? WE WERE ATTACKED! Terrorists blew up our buildings and killed thousands of people, and we fault our president for defending our country and keeping us safe. For 8 years we've prevented further attacks, something that many people would not have been able to accomplish. Have you seen concentration camps pop up? Has there been food rations and the inability to receive nutrition? Have we been forced to stand in lines for hours just to get a loaf of bread? Come on people...think logically about all this and remind yourselves just how lucky our country really is, how blessed we all are to have the resources we have and the freedoms that we are still clinging to.

I'm just worried that America thinks we can build a utopia. We can't, and I don't think that levelheaded people should get caught up in this ideology. This is a sinful world, and we must remember that we will always have unrest, and there will not be peace until Jesus comes again. I'm just asking you to keep an open mind, and remember that no matter how wonderful all the speeches and photo ops seem, there's more behind it than meets the eye, and we need to be careful!


Matthew said...

I am happy to here Pres. Obama say that we need to return to a culture of responsibility or whatever. I think that would be grand. I see that as a parent thing and not a president thing though.